Terms and Conditions for Leopard Loans

The following are our Terms and Conditions:

I/we confirm that I/we have the consent of any third party whose details I/we may disclose to Leopard Loans Limited (“you”) to disclose such details and to authorise you and the third parties referred to in the paragraph below, to process such details for assessing my/our application and administering and enforcing any subsequent loan which may be granted to me/us.

I/we agree that you and any lender resulting from this application (the “lender”) shall be entitled to use and process by any medium the information given by me/us in this application form and any other information about me/us which may be acquired during the lifetime of my loan (“the data”) for the following processes:

1. To provide the data to and search the files of one or more credit reference or fraud prevention agencies whether before or during the lifetime of any loan granted to me/us by the lender, who will keep a record of such search to confirm the data and for the purposes of credit assessment or account administration. I/we understand that you and/or the lender will record false or inaccurate information if this is given by me/us and fraud us suspected.

2. To disclose that data to credit reference agencies when requested by them for consideration of any future applications for finance mad e by me or members of my household/family or for fraud prevention and/or tracing debtors (the debtors may also disclose the data to other lender for these purposes).

3. To disclose the data to any other company within the lender’s group of companies and/or to any third parties (for example, debt counsellors and insurers) at any time for the purpose of assessing my/our application and administering and enforcing any subsequent loan whether during the lifetime of any loan granted pursuant to such application.

4. Unless you have previously stated otherwise, we may share your information with our associated companies within the Group and other carefully selected third party organisations outside the Group.